Monday, April 7, 2014


How do you think "normal" people can benefit from a 12 step program?
Debbie Strand

Will:  The 12 Steps were developed to successfully treat the neurological disease of alcoholism, which is centered around damage and dysfunction of the limbic brain .... The limbic brain literally affects all human functioning and dysfunctioning – whether addicted or not  …. It is the center of the human disease one might call "Normal" -- which can be as challenging as alcoholism and addictions but nowhere near as obvious....

In my experience, all human emotional challenges originate from the limbic area of the brain -- which the 12 Steps treat …. So it has proven applicable and effective in my life, and in others lives for anything as difficult as addiction/alcoholism, as painful as the death of a loved one, or as simple as spilling a coke at McDs ....

  • Unfortuntely – in my experience -- most humans lack an even remotely necessary level of conscious emotional necessity -- desperation -- to do and accept the treatments .... Thinking is the primary human addiction of the disease of “Normal”, and much more powerful than any drug or alcohol ..... 

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